
英語会話のイメージ画像 AI生成

英語会話のイメージ画像 AI生成

When I study English,don’t think in Japanese but English.

Recently I watch an interview movie.
They speak very fast,but it’s not difficult to understand what they talk about.
Themes are how to realize ideas,conversation skill,how to think,etc.
Especially my favorite’s is what to ask and how to listen.

Reason I catch them is because I don’t use negative words in blog posts and speaking.
You know,almost I don’t deny.
It’s boring that many media use negative expression to attract attentions from many people,so I decided writing positive words.
At first,it’s not EASY! But time taught me.

Think in English and speak or write.

When I was teenager,think in Japanese and translate in English.
So need couple minutes and slow rhythm.
Asking fast,Answering quick,is makes me fun.
And I changed the style to use foreign languages.
By doing that,need a few seconds and happy rhythm.

Time has passed.
The interview movie I introduced at the beginning of this post is PIVOT YouTube movie.Published in Nov 2024.
Please check it out.You can learn some life wisdoms.

Web Engineer KIJI

I’m conscious to speak beautifully,too.


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